Did you know that National City, California, offers numerous affordable housing options for renters and potential homeowners? The city is actively working to address the need for affordable housing and increase homeownership opportunities for its residents. With a focus on affordability, National City is exploring different properties and models to provide accessible homeownership options.

Key Takeaways:

  • National City, California, offers affordable housing options for renters and potential homeowners.
  • The city is exploring different properties and models to increase homeownership opportunities.
  • A range of homeownership types, including condominiums, rent-to-own units, and homes with deed restrictions, are being considered.
  • National City’s efforts align with the need to increase owner-occupied housing and provide accessible homeownership options.
  • The city is leveraging partnerships and grant funding to develop affordable housing properties.

Exploring National City’s Affordable Housing Properties

National City has identified several properties that have the potential to provide affordable housing options for its residents. By developing these properties, the city aims to address the critical need for affordable homes and increase homeownership opportunities in the community.

One of the properties being assessed is a 2-acre site located on Highland Avenue and Epsilon Street. This site has the potential to yield up to 113 housing units, offering a significant increase in affordable housing stock. Additionally, there is a vacant lot measuring 6,400 square feet on Division Street and R Avenue that is being considered for development. This lot has the potential to provide additional housing options for residents in need.

Another property under evaluation is a 4-acre site near Plaza Bonita Center Way. This location has the potential to yield up to 39 housing units, further contributing to the city’s effort to increase affordable homeownership options.

To ensure a range of options for residents, National City is exploring different types of homeownership models for these properties. This includes the development of condominium units, rent-to-own options, and homes with deed restrictions. By offering various homeownership types, the city aims to provide accessible pathways to ownership for individuals and families in the community.

Through these initiatives, National City is committed to creating affordable housing properties that meet the needs of its residents. By increasing the availability of affordable homeownership options, the city not only addresses the housing challenges faced by its residents but also contributes to the overall stability and vitality of the community.

National City Affordable Housing Properties

Affordable Housing Properties in National City
Property Location Property Size Potential Housing Units
Highland Avenue and Epsilon Street 2 acres 113 units
Division Street and R Avenue 6,400 sq ft TBD
Near Plaza Bonita Center Way 4 acres 39 units

Addressing the Need for Affordable Homeownership

National City understands the crucial role of affordable homeownership and the importance of increasing the rate of owner-occupied housing. As highlighted in the Housing Element Annual Progress Report, National City issued 305 building permits in 2022, but only six of them were for ownership. This data reveals a lower owner-occupied housing rate in National City compared to San Diego County, underscoring the pressing need for innovative solutions and infill development.

To tackle this challenge, National City is committed to conducting feasibility studies and implementing various homeownership models. By exploring different approaches, the city aims to incorporate accessible levels of affordable homeownership for its residents. Through careful examination and analysis, National City seeks to provide sustainable and practical homeownership opportunities that cater to the diverse needs and financial capabilities of its citizens.

The National City Housing Element plays a vital role in guiding these efforts. As part of the city’s comprehensive planning process, the Housing Element outlines specific goals and policies to address housing needs and ensure the availability of adequate affordable housing options. By aligning with the objectives outlined in the Housing Element, National City can effectively address the need for affordable homeownership and enhance the overall housing landscape of the community.

Feasibility Studies for Affordable Homeownership

National City is actively investing in feasibility studies to identify viable solutions for affordable homeownership. These studies involve assessing different potential sites, analyzing market conditions, and evaluating the financial feasibility of various housing models. By gathering comprehensive data and insights, National City can make informed decisions that yield positive outcomes for both residents and the community as a whole.

“Our focus is on finding innovative approaches to make homeownership affordable for our residents. These feasibility studies allow us to consider various factors and develop strategies that address the unique challenges posed by our housing market.” – John Ramirez, City Planning Director

The findings from these feasibility studies will provide a clear roadmap for National City to implement alternative homeownership models. These models may include shared equity homeownership programs, rent-to-own options, or deed-restricted properties. By diversifying the range of homeownership opportunities, National City aims to create a more inclusive and accessible housing market that supports sustainable community growth.

Furthermore, National City recognizes the significance of partnerships with relevant organizations and stakeholders. Engaging with local nonprofits, housing authorities, and developers like San Diego Habitat for Humanity allows the city to leverage expertise, resources, and funding to maximize the impact of its affordable homeownership initiatives. Collaborative efforts with these entities will contribute to the successful implementation of affordable homeownership projects and ensure long-term affordability for National City residents.

Affordable Homeownership

Through a holistic approach that combines feasibility studies, innovative models, and collaborative partnerships, National City is actively working to address the critical need for affordable homeownership. By prioritizing accessibility and affordability, National City aims to create a thriving community where every resident has the opportunity to achieve the dream of owning a home.


National City is dedicated to addressing the pressing need for affordable housing and expanding homeownership opportunities for its residents. Through strategic partnerships, such as collaborating with San Diego Habitat for Humanity and securing grant funding, the city is actively exploring different properties and innovative homeownership models.

By conducting thorough feasibility studies and considering a range of options, National City aims to create affordable housing opportunities that cater to the unique needs and preferences of its residents. With a commitment to increasing homeownership rates, the city is focused on ensuring that owning a home is accessible and achievable for all.

Through these ongoing efforts, National City is striving to provide its community with affordable and inclusive housing options. By leveraging resources, collaborating with key stakeholders, and prioritizing affordable homeownership, the city is working towards a future where its residents can thrive in safe and stable housing environments.


What is National City’s focus in terms of affordable housing?

National City is exploring different properties and models to increase homeownership opportunities and provide affordable housing options for renters and potential homeowners.

What types of homeownership options is National City considering?

National City is exploring different homeownership types such as condominiums, rent-to-own units, and homes with deed restrictions to provide a range of options for residents and ensure ownership within the community.

What properties are being assessed for affordable housing development in National City?

Some of the properties being assessed include a 2-acre site on Highland Avenue and Epsilon Street, a 6,400 square-foot vacant lot on Division Street and R Avenue, and a 4-acre property near Plaza Bonita Center Way.

Why is National City focusing on increasing the rate of owner-occupied housing?

National City has a lower owner-occupied housing rate compared to San Diego County, and addressing this need is important for the community. By implementing different homeownership models, the city aims to incorporate accessible levels of homeownership for its residents.

How is National City working towards addressing the need for affordable housing?

National City is actively exploring properties and partnerships with organizations like San Diego Habitat for Humanity. The city is conducting feasibility studies and implementing different homeownership models to create affordable housing opportunities that align with the needs and preferences of its residents.